
The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders.  During the course of a walk, each pilgrim is encouraged to seriously consider Christ's servanthood and how that model applies to their own lives.  What does it mean to become a servant/leader in our church, in our community, and in our world as a "servant of all?"

The Walk to Emmaus is a lay led experience.  It is a 72-hour "short course in Christianity," comprised of fifteen talks presented by lay and clergy.  Talks include God's grace, aspects of Christian discipleship, and what it means to be the church.  The Walk is filled with singing, prayer, meditation, special opportunities to worship and the daily celebration of Holy Communion.  Emmaus community members, that is people who have already participated in their own Walks support the 72-hour experience through a prayer vigil, by preparing and serving meals, and many other acts of Christian love and service.  Walks begin on Thursday evening and conclude on Sunday evening.  Men and women attend walks on separate weekends.

The Emmaus experience can be both rewarding and empowering.  Participants are encouraged to meet regularly in small "reunion groups."  In this setting, small group members challenge and support one another as servant/leaders in the many roles that each take on in daily life; in their families, in their jobs, in their communities, and in their local churches.

Chrysalis is very similar to The Walk to Emmaus, but the Caterpillars range in age from 15-22 years old.